Congress set the government's current borrowing limit at more than fourteen trillion dollars. 国会定于超过十四万亿美元的政府目前的借款限额。
See if you can return all CDs, from the most current to the oldest; or all the CDs priced under ten dollars. 看看如何返回所有的唱片,从最新的到最老的,或者价格低于10美元的所有唱片。
If it fails to extend the current limit of$ 14.3 trillion dollars, the federal government could find itself struggling to make payments, and risks the loss of its AAA credit rating. 如果这次投票不能通过增加超过14.3万亿的限额,那么美国政府会发现自己在支付方面出现困难,而且也很可能丢掉AAA的信用评级(进一步了解信用评级)。
The current price is above fourteen hundred dollars an ounce. 当前黄金价格超过了1400美元每盎司。
Its economy, however, for all its three-decades-long boom, still only accounts for8% of global GDP in current dollars; 然而,对于中国经济在长达30多年的繁荣期来说,以国际标准计价来看,中国个人消费仍仅占8%的GDP(以美元现价计算);
What's the current exchange rate of American dollars? 现时美元的兑换率是多少?
This helped fuel a current account deficit of seven hundred thirty-one billion dollars last year. 这推高了经常项目的逆差,(去年为7310亿美元)。
The current limit is more than fourteen trillion dollars& nearly equal to all the goods and services produced in the United States in a year. 目前的限额超过了14万亿美元,几乎等同于美国一年生产的所有商品和服务。
This opacity has been a focus for regulators in the current financial crisis, especially as fears have grown that the tens of billions of dollars in such contracts could be a source of a systemic financial collapse. 这种不透明性一直是监管机构在当前金融危机下的关注重点,人们越来越担忧此类合约牵涉的数百亿美元可能导致金融体系崩溃。
It has been estimated that seeking to maintain the exchange rate at or near its current level could require as much as$ 400bn in reserve accumulation in 2007, which would almost certainly lead to rapid asset price inflation as renminbi were created to buy dollars. 据测算,如果中国想将人民币汇率维持在当前水平,需要在2007年积聚多达4000亿美元的外汇储备,这几乎必将导致资产价格快速上涨,因为中国在购买美元时,要放出等量的人民币。
Forty per cent of China's current reserves-and they are growing by more than$ 1bn a day-would be$ 480bn dollars. 中国目前外汇储备的40%储备还在以每日逾10亿美元的速度增长就是4800亿美元。
The association started the current league system in1994, and soccer became the first sport to achieve commercial success in China, with sponsors pouring in millions of dollars. 足协于1994年开始实行现行的联赛体制,足球也成为了中国取得商业成功的第一个项目,得到成千上百万美元的赞助。
They argue that the current lighting systems keep people from seeing the stars, disrupt the rhythms of wildlife and waste millions of dollars on light projected upward. 他们认为,现在的照明系统让人们无法看见星星,扰乱了野生动植物的生物钟,而且灯光朝上造成了极大的浪费。
Since the US would no longer be able to cover its current account deficits just by conjuring dollars, it would also have to issue debt in euros. 既然美国不再能够仅仅通过印钞来填补经常账户赤字,它就不得不发行欧元债券。
This is true in purchasing-power-parity terms, but in current dollars Brazil and Russia both produce more than India. 若以购买力平价理论(3P)核算,事实确实如此。然而若以当前美元计算,巴西和俄罗斯都超过了印度。
Some analysts believethat the United States can run a current account deficit because theemerging LDCs are short of dollars. 有些分析家认为美国可以在经常项目上持续逆差,因为新兴发展中国家缺少美元。
Users without the current version, Snow Leopard, will have to pay an extra thirty dollars to download the new release. 没有安装苹果当前雪豹版本的操作系统的用户将需要额外支付30美元来下载这个最新版本。
Using foreign currency for domestic spending simply doesn't work under China's current exchange-rate regime, because the dollars always end up back at the People's Bank of China. 在中国目前的汇率制度下将外汇储备用于国内支出也是行不通的,因为花出去的美元最终总是会回到央行手中。
Current versions of e-readers are expensive, normally costing hundreds of dollars. 当前版本的电子书阅读器非常昂贵,通常售价数百美元。
Even in current measures of manufacturing denominated in dollars ( which inflate China's position because of the rising yuan and other factors), China will produce only about 60 per cent as much as the US in 2008. 即便以目前美元计价的制造业标准衡量(由于人民币不断升值及其它因素,这将提升中国的地位),中国2008年的产出将仅为美国的60%左右。
It points out that the ongoing current account deficit in the United States and the huge outpouring of US dollars into other countries, in large part, caused credit expansion. 文章介绍了当代国际货币体系的特点及美元本位下国际储备的新变化;指出美元本位下美国经常账户持续失衡,大量向世界各国输出美元在很大程度上造成了信用扩张。
Judging by current trends in the global market, the oil price stands little chance of exceeding 80 US dollars per barrel, and almost no chance of falling to 30 dollars per barrel or below. 但从目前的国际石油市场的运作机制来看,油价进一步冲高至80美元/桶的可能性不大,大幅度回落到30美元/桶或以下水平的可能性则几乎不存在。
An Integrated Exchange System is a current monetary system performed in Honk Kong, whick decides the amount of HK Dollars and the relation with foreign exchange. 港元联系汇率制,是香港地区现行的港元与美元相联系的货币制度形式,由此决定港元的发行及其对外汇兑关系。